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From Our Athletic Director - All Things

If you’ve ever been to a Maranatha sporting event, you will hear our teams break their huddles by yelling “All Things” and if you look around, you can’t help but notice the “All Things” signs surrounding the athletic facilities. So, what does “All Things” have to do with sports?  For us, it is everything!

We simply believe that God created each human being in His own image. If you are an athlete, He has gifted you with a healthy body and mind. He has given you skills to play a sport. He has provided for your needs and put you here at this place and time. If you take the time and detail All the Things He has blessed you with, the list is nearly endless. These are gifts from the creator and there is nothing the athlete has done to earn or deserve them. So, what is the proper response to that? Play for Him. At Maranatha, we teach our athletes to play for the highest standard, which is to please God in “All Things” we do.  If we put Him first, everything will fall into its proper order:  

  • You will work hard and get the most out of your body and the skills He has given you.
  • You will strive to do what is right and live with high character and humility.
  • You will be coachable. You will be a good teammate. You will be a good student, a good friend, and a good son or daughter. 

Our goal as an athletic department is to develop our athletes to get the most out of their God-given gifts and abilities. We train for a higher level of play, to create an avenue for athletes to achieve their dreams – if they have the athleticism, skills, character and drive to do so. For those that just want to play and compete, we do so in a strong Christian environment and still strive to please God in “All Things” we do. Either way, we want the players to thrive and grow closer in their walk with the Lord.
That’s why our teams don’t break by yelling “Eagles” – that is only a bird, who plays for a bird?  But yelling “All Things” is a simple, one-second reminder of who they are really playing for. 

Steve Whitley
Athletic Director

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All Things